Towards the Omega Point speculates on a scenario where humankind evolved to collectivize thought. In this alternative reality, humanity has already surpassed the state of primal individualism: human beings consider the collective wellbeing and the ultimate goal of the species in every thought, action, movement and decision they make.
The advancement of humanity is headed towards the Omega Point—a moment of convergence of every mind and every body.
In this society there’s no place for feelings like guilt, because guilt is a consequence of an individualistic behaviour: feeling like you’ve subjugated another human being, putting yourself above them, even if unconsciously.
Those feelings are counterproductive to the advancement of humanity, this psychological evolution also altered human biology: individuals developed a negative feedback mechanism which, by generating pain, stops those feelings immediately. If it persists, this mechanism can lead to death. Each human is a unit. No one is unreplaceable.
Would the world worry about you?

It takes several minutes to adjust to the dark
DC V / 2019